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John William Godward Autumn oil painting reproduction
John William Godward Autumn oil painting reproduction

John William Godward Bellezza Pompeiana oil painting reproduction
John William Godward Bellezza Pompeiana oil painting reproduction

John William Godward By the Blue Ionian Sea oil painting reproduction
John William Godward By the Blue Ionian Sea oil painting reproduction

John William Godward By the Wayside oil painting reproduction
John William Godward By the Wayside oil painting reproduction

John William Godward Campaspe oil painting reproduction
John William Godward Campaspe oil painting reproduction

John William Godward Choosing oil painting reproduction
John William Godward Choosing oil painting reproduction

John William Godward Classical Beautiful 3 oil painting reproduction
John William Godward Classical Beautiful 3 oil painting reproduction

John William Godward Classical Beauty oil painting reproduction
John William Godward Classical Beauty oil painting reproduction

John William Godward Contemplation oil painting reproduction
John William Godward Contemplation oil painting reproduction

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John William Godward


Victorian Neo-Classical artist John William Godward was an English artist who was influenced by the Neo-classicist Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema and by the Pre-Raphaelites. Along with Alma-Tadema, he was a member of the ‘Marble School’ so-called for its depiction of Classical Roman and Greek subjects - the majority of Godward’s paintings feature women in Classical robes and posing against in Classical landscapes. His artworks are meticulously and painstakingly painted. He regularly exhibited his paintings in London’s Royal Academy where they were greatly admired by the Victorian public.
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