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Frederick Childe Hassam Descending the Steps, Central Park, 1895 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam Descending the Steps, Central Park, 1895 oil painting reproduction

Frederick Childe Hassam Dexter`s Garden, 1892 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam Dexter`s Garden, 1892 oil painting reproduction

Frederick Childe Hassam Dock Scene, Gloucester, 1894 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam Dock Scene, Gloucester, 1894 oil painting reproduction

Frederick Childe Hassam Dock Scene, Gloucester, 1896 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam Dock Scene, Gloucester, 1896 oil painting reproduction

Frederick Childe Hassam Duke Street, Newport, 1901 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam Duke Street, Newport, 1901 oil painting reproduction

Frederick Childe Hassam Early Evening, After Snowfall, 1906 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam Early Evening, After Snowfall, 1906 oil painting reproduction

Frederick Childe Hassam East Gloucester, End of the Trolley Line, 1895 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam East Gloucester, End of the Trolley Line, 1895 oil painting reproduction

Frederick Childe Hassam Edith Blaney (Mrs. Dwight Blaney), 1894 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam Edith Blaney (Mrs. Dwight Blaney), 1894 oil painting reproduction

Frederick Childe Hassam Ethel Moore, 1892 oil painting reproduction
Frederick Childe Hassam Ethel Moore, 1892 oil painting reproduction

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Frederick Childe Hassam


American Impressionist artist Frederick Childe Hassam was a pioneer of Impressionism in the United States and is perhaps best known for his paintings of flags on Fifth Avenue NYC. His paintings are known for their brilliant colors and interpretations of light in both his landscapes and cityscapes.
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